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14 May 2024

Annual Cambridge Contractors vs Consultants matches raise more money for LandAid

A week on from the Contractors vs Consultants rugby and hockey match, we can announce that collectively we have raised £7,000 for LandAid in their fight to end youth homelessness!

It was a fantastic event and congratulations to the Contractors for winning 57-17 at the rugby and to both hockey teams for reaching an amicable 3-3.

The Consultants v Contractors match is now a key event in Cambridge’s sporting calendar and we are proud to have been the Consultants primary sponsor alongside Morgan Sindall and Mills and Reeve.

We were able to field four rugby players this year Calum Carver, Fraser Rumble, Brodie Harrower and Henry Way. If you are interested in participating or sponsoring the event in 2025 then please get in contact with Calum Carver.

This event was sponsored by Stace, Morgan Sindall Construction & Infrastructure, Mills and Reeve, Bidwells, 8build, Munro Building Services Ltd, Hays, Curo, Parkeray, CB3 and Ridge.

It’s been a great honour to sponsor the event once again. Thank you to everyone who attended and supported this event! Next year will be the 10th year of the CvC and will be played on Thursday 1st May 2025.

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